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CNC machine - Center for processing wooden strips

The machine allows you to perform operations such as:

  • milling
  • tenoning
  • drilling
  • saw cutting

A perfect example of production automation is a CNC center for processing wooden strips.

The NCR CNC center is dedicated to processing oblong-shaped elements made of solid wood, MDF, chipboard and similar materials.

Its main use is in the production of furniture elements such as sofas, beds, tables and garden furniture.

The NCR CNC center is used to perform drilling, milling, cutting, profiling and tenoning operations. A wide range of installed tools (2 vertical spindles, 1 horizontal spindle, an extensive drilling unit, a saw unit connected to the C axis) allows for various processing on 5 sides of the detail.

Robotization and automation are an investment in the future. Its effects are visible in a short period of time, and the benefits of implementing such solutions bring tangible results for companies from various industries. See for yourself that it is worth investing your savings in this area. Discover new possibilities, learn how to make your production more effective. Choose economical solutions. Connect your future with NC-R ADVANCED ROBOTICS. Expand your business in line with the latest trends and technologies.

Robotization and automation are:

  • chance to make a profit,

  • short rate of return,

  • employment optimization,

  • a way to combat the lack of qualified workers,

  • a way to increase the margin on furniture.


Implementing this type of technology gives companies a competitive advantage on the market.


Check out our offer, where you will find interesting information about the CNC center for the production of frames and processing of wooden strips.

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